
Executive & Management Education

The 21st century workplace is marked with the need to have the necessary skills at the right time. As a “leaning organization” the problems in today’s workplaces are often a result of past solutions.

EduCenter can assist leveraging knowledge in a variety of ways: Career, Managerial, & Supervisory Coaching, Skills Training, Team Building, and Performance Management.

Micro Credentials and Certificate Courses

While often used synonymously "Training and Development" are two separate disciplines. They are distinctly different activities. "Training" is a process of aiding individuals to be more effectively – often through higher efficiency. "Development" is a joint initiative of the employer and employee to upgrade the existing skills and knowledge of an individual employee.

Organization Development

Organizations need to act strategically. Being strategic means ensuring alignment between the specific activities (whether they are business unit, department, work group, or individual producer activities) within your organization and your overall organizational goals.

Educational administration consulting

The administration of an educational organization – particularly a higher education / tertiary operation presents unique challenges; balancing its teaching learning with its business operations. The administrative operations are just as complex as the curriculum and instructional requirements of pedagogy / andragogy. EduCenter’s experience in operational excellence can be the “extra set of hands” for your organizational needs.